Pterostylis vittata, sanguinea, concava - Banded Greenhoods

These orchids are among the first greenhoods to flower each year, starting in May.

Pterostylis vittata - Banded Greenhood

The Banded Greenhood is found from Perth to Albany and is distinguished by the long narrow lateral sepals and green colour.

Pterostylis vittata - Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis vittata - Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis vittata - Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis vittata - Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis vittata - Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis vittata - Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis vittata - Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis vittata - Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis vittata - Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis vittata - Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis vittata - Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis vittata - Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis vittata - Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis vittata - Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis vittata - Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis vittata - Banded Grerenhood

Pterostylis vittata - Banded Grerenhood

Pterostylis vittata - Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis vittata - Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis vittata - Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis sanguinea - Dark Banded Greenhood

Recent classifications have divided what was previously known as the Dark Banded Greenhood, P. sanguinea into several new species. The Dark Banded Greenhood was named from specimens collected in South Australia and it may be decided in the future that Western Australian plants are different enough to be named separately. In WA it is found in the Wheatbelt between Kalbarri and Esperance.

Pterostylis sanguinea - Dark Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis sanguinea - Dark Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis sanguinea - Dark Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis sanguinea - Dark Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis sanguinea - Dark Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis atrosanguinea - Crowded Banded Greenhood

The Crowded Banded Greenhood is distinguished by its very large, dark coloured flowers that are usually crowded at the top of the stem. It is found mainly in coastal areas between Perth and Bunbury

Pterostylis atrosanguinea - Crowded Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis atrosanguinea - Crowded Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis atrosanguinea - Crowded Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis atrosanguinea - Crowded Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis atrosanguinea - Crowded Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis atrosanguinea - Crowded Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis atrosanguinea - Crowded Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis atrosanguinea - Crowded Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis atrosanguinea - Crowded Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis orbiculata - Coastal Banded Greenhood
Pterostylis crebriflora - Darling Range Banded Greenhood

The Coastal Banded Greenhood is identified by the rounded lateral sepals. The colour is quite variable from green to brown. Plants can be quite tall and robust with up to 30 flowers. It is mainly found in coastal areas between Bunbury and Geraldton but is also found in the Wheatbelt.
The Darling Range Banded Greenhood is identified by the large, brown flowers bunched at the top of the stem. It is not common and has only been found in the Darling Range near Perth.

Pterostylis orbiculata - Coastal Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis orbiculata - Coastal Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis orbiculata - Coastal Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis crebriflora - Darling Range Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis crebriflora - Darling Range Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis crebriflora - Darling Range Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis crebriflora - Darling Range Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis crebriflora - Darling Range Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis crebriflora - Darling Range Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis arbuscula - Mallee Banded Greenhood

The Mallee Banded Greenhood is identified by the short plants with few flowers. It is found from the western Wheatbelt to as far east as Eucla.

Pterostylis arbuscula - Mallee Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis arbuscula - Mallee Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis arbuscula - Mallee Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis arbuscula - Mallee Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis arbuscula - Mallee Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis arbuscula - Mallee Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis arbuscula - Mallee Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis arbuscula - Mallee Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis arbuscula - Mallee Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis arbuscula - Mallee Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis arbuscula - Mallee Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis concava - Cupped Banded Greenhood

The Cupped Banded Greenhood is similar to the Dark Banded Greenhood but has much larger flowers and even more rounded lateral sepals with curved edges giving the cupped appearance.

Pterostylis concava - Cupped Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis concava - Cupped Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis concava - Cupped Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis concava - Cupped Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis concava - Cupped Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis concava - Cupped Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis concava - Cupped Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis concava - Cupped Banded Greenhood

Pterostylis concava - Cupped Banded Greenhood