One of the earliest flowering orchids (March - June.) The name 'Eriochilus' refers to the woolly lip or labellum of the flowers. The leaves of this orchid are held above the ground on the stem. There are two main groups of bunny Orchids - the white bunny orchids and the pink bunny orchids. There are about 7 species of white bunny orchids. Most of them have very similar looking flowers, differing only by minor details on the flowers. The stems and leaves are more variable and are usually a better way of telling them apart. There are two species of pink bunny orchid, both of which have very similar looking flowers.
Eriochilus dilatatus subsp. multiflorus - Common Bunny Orchid
The Common Bunny Orchid is one of the first orchids to flower in the year, beginning in early April. Each plant has from 2 to 20 flowers and reaches up to 40cm in height. The leaf is is held up about 5 cm above the ground on the stalk. The species is found mainly in the higher rainfall Darling Range area.

Eriochilus dilatatus subsp. multiflorus - Common Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus dilatatus subsp. multiflorus - Common Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus dilatatus subsp. multiflorus - Common Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus dilatatus subsp. multiflorus - Common Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus dilatatus subsp. multiflorus - Common Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus dilatatus subsp. multiflorus - Common Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus dilatatus subsp. multiflorus - Common Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus dilatatus subsp. multiflorus - Common Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus dilatatus subsp. multiflorus - Common Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus dilatatus subsp. multiflorus - Common Bunny Orchid
Eriochilus dilatatus subsp. undulatus - Crinkle-leafed Bunny Orchid
The Crinkle-leafed Bunny Orchid is distinguished by is leaf, which is crinkled along its edge. Plants usually only have 1-3 flowers per stem. The flowers are much the same as those of the White Bunny Orchid. This species is found throughout the Wheatbelt from Geraldton to Esperance.

Eriochilus dilatatus subsp. undulatus - Crinkle-leafed Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus dilatatus subsp. undulatus - Crinkle-leafed Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus dilatatus subsp. undulatus - Crinkle-leafed Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus dilatatus subsp. undulatus - Crinkle-leafed Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus dilatatus subsp. undulatus - Crinkle-leafed Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus dilatatus subsp. undulatus - Crinkle-leafed Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus undulatus - Crinkle-leafed Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus undulatus - Crinkle-leafed Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus undulatus - Crinkle-leafed Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus undulatus - Crinkle-leafed Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus undulatus - Crinkle-leafed Bunny Orchid
Eriochilus helonomos - Swamp Bunny Orchid
The Swamp Bunny Orchid is a diminutive species that rarely has more than 1-2 flowers. It is distinguished by the way the petals clasp the labellum. It is found between Perth and Albany, growing in winter-wet clay areas and wet soils on granite outcrops.

Eriochilus helonomos - Swamp Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus helonomos - Swamp Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus helonomos - Swamp Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus helonomos - Swamp Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus helonomos - Swamp Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus helonomos - Swamp Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus helonomos - Swamp Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus helonomos - Swamp Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus helonomos - Swamp Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus helonomos - Swamp Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus helonomos - Swamp Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus helonomos - Swamp Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus helonomos - Swamp Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus helonomos - Swamp Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus helonomos - Swamp Bunny Orchid
Eriochilus scaber subsp. scaber - Pink Bunny Orchid
The Pink Bunny Orchid only flowers after a hot summer fire (with the odd exception) and flowering starts in June. The plants are quite small, from just 3cm to about 15cm tall with 1-3 flowers. It is found mainly between Perth and Esperance, growing in set areas around swamps, creeklines and granite outcrops.

Eriochilus scaber - Pink Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus scaber - Pink Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus scaber - Pink Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus scaber - Pink Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus scaber - Pink Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus scaber - Pink Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus scaber - Pink Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus scaber - Pink Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus scaber - Pink Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus scaber - Pink Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus scaber - Pink Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus scaber - Pink Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus scaber - Pink Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus scaber - Pink Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus scaber - Pink Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus scaber subsp. scaber - Pink Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus scaber - Pink Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus scaber - Pink Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus scaber - Pink Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus scaber - Pink Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus scaber - Pink Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus scaber - Pink Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus scaber - Pink Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus scaber - Pink Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus scaber - Pink Bunny Orchid
Eriochilus tenuis - Slender Bunny Orchid
The Slender Bunny Orchid is very similar to the Pink Bunny Orchid and also only flowers after a hot summer fire. It differs in having a later flowering period (September-October) and paler and slightly smaller flowers. It is found in swampy areas between Perth and Albany, usually not far from the coast.

Eriochilus tunuis - Slender Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus tunuis - Slender Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus tunuis - Slender Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus tunuis - Slender Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus tunuis - Slender Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus tunuis - Slender Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus tunuis - Slender Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus tunuis - Slender Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus tunuis - Slender Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus tunuis - Slender Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus tunuis - Slender Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus tunuis - Slender Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus tunuis - Slender Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus tunuis - Slender Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus tunuis - Slender Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus tenuis - Slender Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus tenuis - Slender Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus tenuis - Slender Bunny Orchid

Eriochilus tenuis - Slender Bunny Orchid